Normal 0 0 2 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 一 生人最重要的日子,一定要用最好的東西去襯托最美的你。 Eros Jewelry 費盡心力,從最可靠的供應商嚴選 最優質的鑽石 ,以迎合高貴的你。 我地度身訂造你喜愛的首飾,包括頸鏈,戒指,耳環,手鏈等。 由 專業的首飾顧問 提供最適切你的意見。 如果你已經嫌倦了四周圍走去格價,
E結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾Eros Jewelry

Mona-Rae® Diamonds is inherited from family heritage in Antwerp since 1956 and the founder of Mona-Rae® Diamonds takes pride in being the second diamond craftsman who cut & polish the &ld
M結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾Mona-rae Diamonds Ltd

本店每天以新鮮花材,提供各類花束,賀禮花籃,結婚花球,特式花果籃,由於花材供應有限,請預早訂購,歡迎致電 62284591 Ms. Chan預訂. 本店接受銀行轉帳付款,過程既簡單又安全,無論你身處海外或本地,都能隨時隨地為對方送上鮮花禮品,表達心意。 請於3日前訂購貨品,當我們收到訂單後,我們將於24小時內以電郵或電話通知確認 (如未接洽請致電本公司 ) 送花時段 : 星期一至日 上午 9:0
F鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Flower`s House

本公司為推廣企業或機構使用開源系統,即日起推出特別優惠, 客戶可 免費 (無須簽訂任何合約, 無須預繳任何費用) 享用下列解決方案之安裝及設定服務: 多功能 Linux 商業系統 Yahoo! ZCS 信息系統 Nagios 電腦監察系統 Joomla 網站管理系統 Untangle 綜合網絡安全管理系統 SugarCRM 客戶關係管理系統 其他方案及服務亦以特惠價提供。 詳情請瀏覽 www.c
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫瀚迅電腦有限公司

Real Estate Services Residential Leasing We provide detailed information about the local living environment and housing market, and help to identify an apartment or house that fits the client’s requi
P物業地產 / 地產代理公司Pacific Relocations - Pacific Properties

主銷歐美市場 ,Party Animals, Prom Girls 致愛 ! 歐陸宮廷式華麗設計珍珠頸項 , 配上露肩/吊帶晚裝 , 凸顯既性感又高雅的氣質 ! 選用淡水珍珠 , 各式珍珠 , 水晶 , 半寶石等 , 配合獨特自創品牌設計 , 人手精製, 造出各式各樣的晚宴首飾 , 令妳成為宴會中的焦點 , 引來注目的眼光 ! 進入我們網上商店逛逛吧
p結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾partygirl

Premier Capital Group was incorporated in Hong Kong in 1988. From its beginning as a joint venture with a US company, Premier Capital's dedication to client satisfaction has allowed it to be one of t
P物業地產 / 地產代理公司Premier Capital Limited

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Solution For 20 years, Maximizer Enterprise has remained the chosen CRM solution for businesses. Proven, award-winning and flexible enough to meet the needs of c
M手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Maximizer Asia Ltd

Edison Networks Ltd. is well-established system integration solution company. Our Management, sales & engineer are a group of well experiences. We can provide an Efficient Data Integration Solutio
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫愛迪生網絡系統有限公司

「興利人造植物有限公司」成立於1984年,是一家世界知名的人造植物生產商,市場遍佈北美及歐洲。本公司廠房設於廣東省,佔地40,000平方米,擁有超過2,000名員工。我們生產專業及高質素的產品,包括各類人造樹木、盆栽及綠色植物。欲知更多產品資料,歡迎隨時聯絡我們或親身來臨本公司參觀。 地址: 香港新界荃灣柴灣角街66-82號金熊工業中心24樓A及D室 聯絡人: 駱小姐/王先生 電話: (852)
H鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Hing Lee Artifical Plant Co Ltd

Founded in 1994, SynTech Computer Limited is a total computer solutions company. Providing a wide range of computer and networking solutions and products, software development and implementation, as
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫先城電腦有限公司

About Central Equity Introduction Watch the Central Equity Corporate Profile video online --> The Princeton The Central Equity Group delivers quality residential properties in excellent locations. Si
A物業地產 / 地產代理公司Australia Property

Company Mission ServiceTech (Hong Kong) Limited specializes in planning, developing and implementing Management Solutions. We offer BMC Business Service Management (BSM) product suite as a core, and

Our Story Since its inception in 1997, Gift Creative has become an industry leader in fashion-forward gifts, candles and accessories for the home. Our goal, as your partner, is to assist in the growt
消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝創美禮品有限公司

Kibby Lau Barbilia L. Natalie S. Fiona Fung Mandaline C. Holly H. Wai Lui Jai Day Gesche H. Andrea N. Crewsmodel is a full-service modeling and casting agency with a network of qualified and talented
C美容 / 形象顧問Crewsmodel

BeansLink’s name originates from our initial technology focus, JavaBean software development; while we have redefined the meaning as effectively linking our clients to their suppliers, partners
B手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫BeansLink International Limited

HKDR BACKGROUND AND HISTORY HKDR was set up in 2002, registered as a Society in August 2003 and in March 2005 gained full charity status. It is run by founder, Sally Andersen, with the support of man
H寵物 / 會社、組織及團體Hong Kong Dog Rescue

本店服務包括: 開張花籃,鮮花及花瓶賀禮 專人設計 結婚花球 , 婚禮 及宴會襟花 鮮花批發,泰國蘭花批發 室內外植物泰國盆栽 萬代蘭、加多利亞蘭、千代蘭、石斛蘭 駿發鮮花批發 CHUN FAT FLOWER WHOLESALE 電話:2754-2168 / 2749-0118 傳真:2754-3816 電郵: [email protected] 地址 : 香港九龍旺角太子道西19
駿鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球駿發鮮花批發

軒苑農場提供多種園林產品, 園藝資材: 耐UV花盆/肥料/水苔/肥料/樹皮等 溫室配件: 遮光網/針織網/防蟲網/防草蓆/膠紙/壓槽等 植物: 趣味蘭花/稀有植物 We provide many types of horticultural products!!! Growing media and supplies: UV-resisted Plastic Pots/ Fertilizers/
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